Middletown High School South’s winter performance this year was Radium Girls. The play is based on the true story of real-life factory worker, Grace Fryer, who went to court to fight against the United States Radium Corporation (USRC). While she had been eager to support the war, her job as a watch dial painter resulted in medical expenses and severe pain.
Grace was not the only woman from the USRC to be poisoned. However, she was the first to take a stand against the factory and not back down when offered a settlement.
Starring as Grace Fryer in our school’s production was senior Ava Romano. Her acting was strong and powerful, highlighting the character’s determination. Her leading co-star, Anthony DeMarco, played the role of Mr. Roeder, the factory’s new vice president and plant manager.
This year’s play highlighted the strength one must have in order to fight for justice. The moral turmoil Demarco’s character went through showed the audience that it’s never too late to do the right thing. The show was empowering to watch. If you didn’t get the chance to see Radium Girls during November, I highly recommend taking the opportunity to watch the Spring musical, Footloose.