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The Eagle Eye


The Eagle Eye serves as an open forum for the members of the Middletown High School South community. Unsigned editorials represent the combined opinions of The Eagle Eye staff and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the authors and artists alone and are not necessarily those of The Eagle Eye staff or advisor.

The Eagle Eye reserves the right to shorten and edit material for space and clarity. It also reserves the right to refuse any material it deems obscene or libelous. Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editors. All letters or articles must be signed to be considered for publishing, however, in rare circumstances names may be withheld upon request.

The statements, views, and opinions expressed in the advertisers are not necessarily the views of the Middletown Township Board of Education. The inclusion of any advertisement does not reflect Board approval or endorsement of the advertisement or the advertiser.

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The student news site of Middletown High School South