Quarterly exams have become the talk of the town here at South. Many students wonder whether or not these newly implemented exams will create more stress for the average teenager. Whereas teachers are frantically worrying about the amount of time they have in order to fulfill their teaching potential before the once-a-marking period exams.
Not only are students the ones under the hot lights of quarterlies, but also teachers; they are forced to provide a sufficient amount of material to their students in a shorter amount of time. Teachers have to create lessons that are built around the testing schedule as well as keep the student’s progress in mind. Maintaining this knowledge, however, is up to the students themselves.
While quarterly exams may allow students to grasp a smaller amount of information at regular time intervals, they induce the loss of many days of productive learning. If the math is done correctly, a total of twelve to sixteen days will be focused solely on the quarterly exams: because each quarterly exam consists of four days a week each marking period, four times a school year, they result in less days of regular instruction.
This past Wednesday, September 27, some of our National Honor Society members attended the Board of Education meeting to voice concern with the implementation of quarterly exams. The president of NHS, Aisha Bhoori, brought attention to the fact that seniors who are taking AP classes are missing out on valuable time and may not have the opportunity to intern in the fourth marking period due to quarterly exams. Olivia Liskowitz, who is Vice Presidential Secretary, elaborated on issues of time loss. Other members of the NHS, stood their ground to support their fellow classmates. After this effective protest, Dr. George stated that he would call a meeting to discuss eradicating fourth marking period quarterlies for seniors who maintain an A average throughout the year.
Since these exams are now applied to the school year, just as block scheduling was in the past, we are going to have to get used to this process. The quarterly exams are just around the bend and will be here sooner than we know. Let’s try our best to stay organized and on our feet, prepared to rise to the stressful occasion. If you feel your opinion should be heard on this subject, then attend the next meeting with the Board of Education like the NHS did. Over the years we have witnessed many changes to our school involving the education department. We, as the student body, will have to learn to cooperate with the transitions, but should not hesitate to dissent.