Gather, Quiz, Repeat!: Study Strategies


Phoebe Gartside, Staff Writer

As the first few days of school come to an end, we find ourselves trying to balance sports, clubs, friends, family, work and an an ever-increasing homework workload. Although we all have our own special study habits the American Psychological Association has a few smart tips to train your brain to study smart.

First, stop cramming! Research shows that studying the night before will probably get you through the exam the next day, but will leave little to no time for the information to be committed to long term memory. Instead students should try to take breaks in-between study sessions. The act of recalling information after having initially studied it will help you solidify your grasp on the material and remember it for longer periods of time.

Next, don’t be afraid to juggle more than one subject at a time. Studies show that studying multiple subjects at a time, and rotating your focus will help the brain stay sharp and better retain the information learned. This is because you are giving the brain a break from one subject and then restudying it later allowing it to be committed to long-term memory. Again, repetition is a powerful technique.

Also, remember to quiz yourself! Instead of rereading that section one more time, quiz yourself on it. Research shows that taking quizzes while studying will help you avoid falling into a false sense of familiarity with the subject, and will allow you to focus on what you need to reinforce for the rest of your study session.

Repeated exposure to information, multi-tasking and self-assessment are the way to go! Now that you know the pitfalls to avoid and strategies to apply, go forth into the school year ready to tackle all the new material that is thrown at you. Happy studying!