America: Virtues Lost?


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Fortitude, altruism, and integrity. These qualities are vital to the success and progress of a nation. Without them, there is no future or hope. These qualities that once made America great have been lost. Crime has shot up, the income gap grows, and overall happiness has decreased greatly. America is regressing–and yet, no real changes are being made to revive this nation that was once sitting on top of the world promoting democracy and equality. Where did this nation gone wrong, and why has it gone down this path?

In order to find the deeper meaning behind unemployment and lack of technological advances, we must first look to our education system. This country once had the top education system, but while the rest of the world progressed, the U.S. virtually remained the same, sticking to an outdated education system and traditional styles of teaching. The U.S. is now behind Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Korea, as well as 10 other nations. The biggest reason why this has happened is because the U.S.still believes that education is a business. Almost every European nation, which includes Belgium and the Netherlands, has almost completely government subsidized education. Both Sweden and Finland have a voucher system which makes the schools more competitive and only the best schools remain. Then parents can pick which school they want their child to go to for no cost. The U.S. is stuck in the traditional business ways, but in a failing economy, how can people buy their way into college when they don’t have the money to do that? Not only would implementing free education make our youth much smarter, but if everyone had college degrees, productivity would shoot up and our economy would improve greatly.  A voucher system would promote fairness and equality as well as a boosted economy. Yet, this has never been debated seriously in Congress.

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Courtesy of Google

Second, look at the income gap in the U.S. It has only broadened in the last twenty years. Taxes on the middle class are raised and millionaires and billionaires are given tax breaks in order to give an “incentive to promote business”. Take a look around. The longer we have kept this pro business attitude, the more people have fallen under the poverty line, the worse the economy has gotten. If you look back in American history, this country has gotten stronger and greater not through blind support of the rich, but the constant struggle of the poor. The Industrial Revolution led to the Populist movement, the Great Depression led to F.D.R.’s social programs that boosted America, and the inequality in the 1960’s led to President Johnson’s introduction of government Healthcare and expansion of social programs. In the past, America has increased social programs and support of the poor, but after Reagan’s major tax cuts of the rich and tax increases on the middle class, this country has done the opposite. And if you look at the falling of the economy and rising poverty rates, you can easily see the negative effects of this Neo-Conservative system. This has only led to inequality in this country, and it seems that it will continue.

The U.S. has greatly reduced spending on future technology and NASA. Instead of trying to progress through technology to build a better future, this country has dramatically increased spending on military and spying programs. We have succumbed to an authoritarian ideology, while belief in improving the quality of life has plummeted. While we spend trillions of dollars on both war and spying, funding to science, technology, and education receive less and less money for support. As long as this nation denies these future programs, there will be no prosperous future for America. In the 50s and 60s, America was spending a large portion of the budget to support these programs. As a result, both jobs and hope for improving the future were brought about.

America has taken a wrong turn. No other country pushed us on this path. Not the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, or Iran. We ourselves have led us down this path. America’s greatest enemy is itself, and as of now we are letting fear get in the way of the founding American virtues. There is hope for our future, but action must be taken soon before it is too late. This generation is the final hope for this country, and much must be changed for us to revert to our original state. My dream, and the dream of every American, is to see this country become part of a righteous international community. One that gives and protects those in need, and tries to avert war instead of using every opportunity to fight. After all, is that not the American way?