Ukraine Crisis

The international community must uphold human rights in Ukraine despite Putins objections.

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The international community must uphold human rights in Ukraine despite Putin’s objections.

Recently, Ukraine has been faced with a very strenuous conflict. Last month, the people of Ukraine clashed with government officials with hopes to break away from an oppressive regime backed by the Russian government. After weeks of violence in the streets of the capital, Kiev, the president, Viktor Yanukovych was impeached from office. Despite overthrowing the leader, Ukraine has been facing even more severe issues. On February 30, unknown militants seized the city of Crimea.

These militants turned out to be Russian military units. Russian president Vladimir Putin stationed them there without bringing it to the attention of other global leaders. Many Ukrainian people have declared this as an act of war, which brings a great deal of uncertainty and anticipation as to what could possibly happen next in the unstable region.

Russian Parliament has allowed Putin to send more troops to Ukraine in the region of Crimea. This region is split between Russian Loyalty and Ukrainian freedom. Regardless, Russia continues to use force despite not being militarily threatened in the slightest by Ukraine’s revolution. Ukraine has suffered from public corruption ever since the Soviet collapse. The people want change and freedom, while Putin wants to keep Ukraine oppressed for seemingly selfish and egotistical purposes.

An important factor that comes into play is that Ukraine has pipelines from the Middle East that conjoin in the center of the country. Since the 90s, Russia has received money from oil profits that Ukraine makes. If Ukraine joins the EU, that means Russia will lose not only an ally but also a vital business partner, which explains this extreme course of action being taken.

What the U.S. must remember is that in 1994, Bill Clinton signed a pact with Ukraine stating that in case of an invasion of the country, the U.S. would be obliged to back up Ukraine. Despite the U.S. warning Putin of this, he has failed to show respect or restraint towards the affair. After embarrassing the U.S. in Syria, Putin has been continuously ignoring statements President Obama has made regarding Russia’s human rights violations and war mongering.

Russia has proven to be a threat to national security. Putin has allowed the onslaught in Syria, invaded Ukraine, and has shown no regard for any other nation. Ukraine’s people are desperate to break away from the puppet government controlling them installed by Russia. The people want freedom, and Putin’s answer to them is annexation.

The United States, NATO, and the European Union must confront Russia. This can be done without fighting a war, but Ukraine needs the support of Europe and North America. We cannot stand idly by as Russia disregards national law and the rights of human beings. The international community must work in unison for once, something it have neglected to do ever since the U.N. was created after World War II. Hopefully, Ukraine and Russia can come to an agreement without violence, but only time will tell.